Dream to Have an Indian-Made Chip in Every Device in the World: PM Modi

by ppsingh
PM Modi

Dream to Have an Indian-Made Chip in Every Device in the World: PM Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi stressed on Wednesday that strengthening supply chains is crucial for the global economy. He called for more investments in India’s semiconductor manufacturing industry, which is essential for products like smartphones, electric vehicles (EVs), and artificial intelligence (AI).

Speaking at the SEMICON 2024 conference, held near the capital, the Prime Minister said the Covid-19 pandemic revealed how important resilient supply chains are. It showed the need to take steps to avoid disruptions in the future.

“Resilience of the supply chain is very important,” PM Modi said. “India is working to create the same in different sectors of the economy.”

During the pandemic, the world saw supply chain shocks as strict lockdowns in China, which is a key supplier, affected industries that depend on imports from there. One of the most affected areas was semiconductor chips, which are used in almost all electronic devices today.

PM Modi took this opportunity to showcase India’s business-friendly policies and a stable market, emphasizing how the country has embraced technology and innovation. He made a strong case for more investments in India’s semiconductor manufacturing.

He added, “It is our dream to have an Indian-made chip in every device in the world. We will do everything needed to make India a semiconductor powerhouse.”

Highlighting the steps his government has taken, PM Modi pointed to India’s ‘Three-D Power’, which consists of:

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  1. A reformist government,
  2. A growing manufacturing base,
  3. And a large market that is keen on technology.

This, he said, positions India well to become a leader in semiconductor manufacturing.

“Today’s India inspires confidence in the world. When the chips are down, you can bet on India,” he remarked, using the phrase to show how India can be relied upon during tough times.

PM Modi also announced that over ₹1.5 lakh crore (approximately $18 billion) has already been committed for semiconductor manufacturing in India. Many more projects are in the pipeline, aiming to boost the sector even further.

Why This Matters:

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Semiconductors are at the heart of almost all modern electronics, from smartphones to computers, cars, and even household appliances. The global shortage of chips during and after the pandemic caused huge delays in production and delivery for industries across the world. Countries are now trying to build their own semiconductor manufacturing capabilities to reduce reliance on other nations. India’s focus on this sector is part of a global trend to secure supply chains and be more self-reliant.

India’s push for domestic manufacturing of chips is part of a broader effort to position itself as a global leader in the tech space. With significant investment and reforms, the government aims to make India an attractive place for both foreign and domestic companies to manufacture semiconductors.

PM Modi’s vision of having Indian-made chips in every global device shows the country’s ambitious plans for the future. The government is committed to doing whatever is needed to make this dream a reality, including offering incentives for companies that invest in the sector, building up local manufacturing capacities, and strengthening supply chains.

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