Bengaluru man asked WhatsApp scammer ‘how are you’, then this happened

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Bengaluru man asked WhatsApp scammer ‘how are you’, then this happened

In a world where everyone is afraid of scammers, a Bengaluru man decided to have some fun with the man who tried to make a quick move on him. She revealed about the entire chat on ‘X’ where some random person had sent her a suspicious APK file through WhatsApp. Despite knowing that it was a scam, he decided to mess with the scammer. Their conversation was not at all serious, but certainly entertaining.

So what? It all started when the scammer sent the file to Chetty Arun. “I received 4-5 such messages from different numbers today. Everyone is sending me an APK file on WhatsApp. At first I felt angry. Blocked all those numbers. But this is a special thing, I decided to call him and criticize him. But then, the weirdo in me wanted to talk,” Arun said.

He simply told the scammer that he knew it was a scam and then casually asked in Hindi, “Hey, how is life treating you?” Surprisingly, the scammer was open to an informal conversation.

They talked about everything from Arun natives to what they do after falling for their APK file trick. The scammer confessed to using the victim’s number to contact Arun, and claimed to have access to all his OTPs and messages.

Summarizing the scammer’s words, Arun said, “First, take over the victim’s WhatsApp. Second, try to install and sign up all the ecommerce and bank apps. OTP definitely comes to them. Once they get access to any such apps, their limits are limited. Card saved on ecommerce apps? To a certain extent CVVs can handle fewer transactions. Boom!”

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And the drama did not stop here. The scammer not only warned Arun against installing suspicious things on his phone, but also asked for Arun’s Twitter bio when he expressed his willingness to share tips to protect the community from scams. But she immediately understood what Arun was planning to post and deleted all their chats.

However, in the end, the scammer asked Arun not to involve the police and they wished each other well.

Since then, the thread has been blowing up, racking up millions of views and the internet going wild over the wild story.

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